PostHeaderIcon The Dos of Blogging

There are couple of things a blogger need to watch out for to become a successful blogger. Blogging has its own tricks as any other thing in life and I have taken my time to highlight few of the things you, as a blogger, need to monitor to be a successful blogger.

The Dos need to be done with enough passion; so you will see blogging more as fun than business. Here is the list of Dos:

Do 1. Follow other bloggers:
Since you are still new and fresh in the blogosphere, you need to follow other established bloggers so as to count on their popularity to have your own voice heard in the blogosphere. There’s one unique thing about the top bloggers. If you follow them, they’ll check out your blog to know more about you.

Do 2. Join Bloggers Community:
Don’t isolate yourself. No man is an island of knowledge. Associate yourself with other bloggers in your niche and even outside your niche and build good relationship with them. If you have good reputation, they’ll easily recommend you to their readers and even give you free links.

Do 3. Give informative comment on other blogs:
If you do this consistently, you’ll end up generating free traffic from other blogs and also increase your ranking based on the number of blogs linking to you. If your comment is informative and not just too simple like “Hi, nice post”. Then, you should receive a considerable number of visitors from that blog.

Do 4. Link to other Blogs:
This is based on the philosophy of "what you give you get". If you link to other blogs, they’ll link back to you (not always the case) thereby increasing the number of links to your blog. This process will definitely increase your search engine ranking.

Do 5. Post Frequently:
If you want to turn your visitors into regular readers, then you need to post fresh, genuine and informative articles frequently. If they see fresh articles each time they visit your blog, they’ll return some other day to read your articles. They will turn to regular readers and not just visitors.

Do 6. Reply your readers’ comment:
Each time a reader post a comment that needs your attention or reply, do reply them. It builds relationship between you and your readers. They tend to trust you more on what you blog about.

Why not start a couple of them here on this blog, comment on this post to start building a reputable relationship with fellow bloggers. Also remember to link to this blog, notify me and I'll link back to you. :)


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